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Indian Village Water Main Upgrade

UPDATE:  April 17, 2018

Now that the winter weather has finally broken, the contractor, Onyx Corporation, is currently undertaking property and roadway restoration from last fall’s water main improvement on Agawam, Quaboag, Seminole, Mohegan, Sioux and Littlefield Roads.  This consists primarily of loaming and seeding disturbed areas of the roadway shoulders and private property, and cutting, milling and paving of trenches in the right of way on all impacted roads, and the length of Littlefield Road into the Central Street intersection.

UPDATE:  December 13, 2017 

The water main improvement impacting Agawam Rd, Sioux St, Quaboag Rd, Mohegan Rd, Seminole Rd and Littlefield Rd is concluding for the season.  Most recently, the pipe on Littlefield Rd (approximately 600’) was replaced with a new 8” Ductile Iron pipe, and the intersection with Central Street was renewed.  The roadway has been restored for the winter, and will be improved further in the spring of 2018, when Onyx Corporation, the contractor, will cut and re-surface the portion of the road that was impacted by the project (approximately 11’ x 600’) and the intersection of Central Street.  Additionally, the areas in Indian Village that were impacted by excavation will be improved and additional property restoration in Indian Village and on Littlefield Road will occur in the spring of 2018.  We will be employing this Aquapipe re-lining technology to existing portions of the piping system elsewhere in Acton in the future as part of our asset management strategy.

Thank you to all residents for their patience and understanding during this project.  We realize that work on buried infrastructure is disruptive to everyday life, and appreciate the residents’ tolerance during the project.  Overall, with minimal delays, it was a success!

Chris Allen, District Manager

 November 13, 2017

 Water work on Littlefield Road to begin in mid-November

 To the residents of Littlefield Road

On June 20th, the Indian Village & Littlefield Road water main improvement was awarded to Onyx Corporation of Acton.  Originally, it was our intention to re-line the existing water pipe buried in the road using Aquapipe, as was done on Agawam, Quaboag, Seminole, Sioux, and Mohegan in Indian Village.  The roads in Indian Village are close to being placed back into service.

During the course of the project, it was determined that it would be more efficient to simply replace the approximately 600-feet of pipe on Littlefield Road with new 8” Ductile Iron pipe.  This will allow the existing pipe to remain in service during the course of the installation of the new pipe.  With the recent onset of freezing temps, temporary, over-ground pipe is not feasible.

If all goes well, the contractor assures us that this will take approximately 10-14 days to complete.  During the course, there may be a need to shutoff water supply to those serviced from Littlefield Road.  Should this need arise, you will be notified in advance to allow preparation for a service outage.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we make these necessary improvements to our distribution system.

Please contact us via email  or by phone at 978-263-9107 or in person at 693 Massachusetts Ave during normal operating hours Mon-Fri 7:30 am – 4:00 pm should you have any questions, or need any additional information.

Thank you from the Board of Water Commissioners and District staff.

Chris Allen, District Manager

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Due to recent, and forecasted, temperature drop below freezing, customers currently being served from the temporary over-ground pipe should leave their tap water trickling overnight to prevent line freeze-up.  Should the temporary service freeze, during the day, the ambient temperature is still forecasted to be above freezing, thus any freeze-ups should defrost with time.  The most obvious indication of a freeze-up is no water at the tap in the home.  The contractor anticipates that the majority of buried piping will be restored to service by the end of this week, 11/10, through the first of next week, 11/13 through 11/15.

Please pass this message on to any of your neighbors, as we don’t have everyone’s email address.

 UPDATE:  October 27, 2017

The contractor, Sanexen, has completed the pipe relining. The process consists of cleaning, plugging services, lining, pressure testing, drilling services, and then flushing-chlorinating and sampling to confirm absence of bacteria prior to restoration to service.  Some of the roads impacted are further along than others.  Seminole from Seneca to the Cul-de-sac and Agawam from Elm to Seneca has been restored to normal service.  Other roads will be restored when ready, but should be happening over the next week.  Sanexen believes that they will be done with all roads by mid-week the week of 10/30.  Thereafter, Onyx Corp will have to make the connections in the access trenches, install new fire hydrants at 18 pits, restore the roadways, and pull up the temporary pipes.  We believe this should be wrapped up by mid-November, as originally planned.

UPDATE:  October 13, 2017

The contractor, Sanexen, is currently working to clean the interior of the existing pipes and prepare them for re-lining.  So far, a portion of Seminole Road and Quaboag Road have been re-lined.  There are multiple crews from both Sanexen and Onyx Corporation on site to keep the project on schedule.  There have been some challenges that were unforeseen, and the contractor is working to overcome these.  Based on current progress, we don’t see a deviation from the schedule, and are hoping that it is complete by November 15th, as proposed.

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of the residents in the neighborhood for their patience and understanding.  We know this project is an inconvenience to all, but is very important to the sustainability of our piping distribution network.

UPDATE:  October 2, 2017

The contractor, Sanexen, is currently working to clean and prepare the water pipes for lining on Agawam, Quaboag, Seminole, Sioux and Mohegan Roads.  Currently, Onyx Corp. has excavated 30 out of 32 access trenches to support this process.  It is expected that all 32 trenches will be ready in the next couple of days.  In order to get the project back on schedule, and meet the proposed completion date of 11/15/17, Sanexen will be working double shifts on weekdays, and possibly some Saturdays during the day only.  This process is relatively low noise and low visual impact (lights, etc.).  We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your patience and understanding as we complete this very important improvement to our distribution system on the aforementioned roads.  Please contact the office with any questions/concerns during normal working hours (Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4 PM) by phone at 978-263-9107, or by email at

UPDATE:  September 25, 2017

The relining process of the first section of water main has begun. at the intersection of Seminole and Seneca.  Additional access pits are being dug with about 50% of them complete.

UPDATE:  September 11, 2017

SEMINOLE ROAD — Completed all except HSE #’s 60, 67 and 74 – Will complete today (9/11/2017)

MOHEGAN ROAD — Completed all Even HSE # Side except HSE #’s 60, 67 and 74 – Will complete today (9/11/2017)

QUABOAG ROAD — Completed all except HSE #’s 2 and 18 – Will complete today (9/11/2017)

AGAWAM ROAD/SIOUX STREET/SANDAS TRAIL — Will receive test results by 9am on 9/11/17. Will start ASAP to connect houses. 

MOHEGAN ROAD — Taking sample to the lab this morning (9/11/2017) and will find out results tomorrow (9/12/2017). Once sample comes back we will connect houses once complete with Agawam.


UPDATE:  AUGUST 30, 2017

The project is currently delayed and no connections will be made before Tuesday, September 5, 2017 as we are still waiting on test results.  Customers will be notified via email and the website will be updated once a confirmed schedule is received.

UPDATE:  AUGUST 25, 2017

The Indian Village Water Main Project is still delayed.  Next test results are due Tuesday, August 29.  We will post an update at that time.

UPDATE:  AUGUST 14, 2017

The project has been delayed due to water testing.  Further updates to follow.

UPDATE:  AUGUST 10, 2017


To support the rehabilitation of the existing water pipe buried in the road per the prior notice of July 18th, this is to inform you that connections to the temporary, over ground pipe to maintain water service to your home will be made the week of August 14th (weather permitting):

AGAWAM ROAD   -           MONDAY 8/14/17 & TUESDAY 8/15/17

QUABOAG ROAD  -           MONDAY 8/14/17 & TUESDAY 8/15/17

SIOUX ROAD          -           MONDAY 8/14/17 & TUESDAY 8/15/17

MOHEGAN ROAD -           MONDAY 8/14/17 & TUESDAY 8/15/17 & WEDNESDAY 8/16/17

SEMINOLE ROAD -           TUESDAY 8/15/17 & WEDNESDAY 8/16/17

The connection of the temporary service will be to an outdoor hose connection, and does require that personnel enter the residence to shut the main supply to the street to effectively isolate the pipe under construction in the Right-of-Way.

If you have questions/comments/concerns, or require special conditions to make this connection, please contact:

            Brad Price- Onyx Corporation @ 978-265-9922, or

            Sean Fournier- Onyx Corporation @ 978-502-6525, or

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete this very important improvement to our water distribution system.


Board of Water Commissioners and Water District staff

Indian Village Water Main Project

On June 20th, the Indian Village & Littlefield Road water main improvement was awarded to Onyx Corporation of Acton and Sanexen of Montreal, Canada.  Impacted roads are Agawam, Quaboag, Seminole, Sioux, Mohegan and Littlefield (approximately 10,000-linear feet total).  For the first time, the District will employ the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure utilizing a fully structural liner inside of existing pipes, Aqaupipe by Sanexen, that will renew the usable life to > 50-years.  A pre-construction meeting was held with contractor, District and Town of Acton officials on June 20th , and it was decided that the project will begin after the 4th of July holiday.  It will require that water service on impacted roads to be provided via temporary over-ground piping; this will be staged and placed into service prior to any work beginning on the existing pipes.  This technology is minimally intrusive, and requires only the excavation of two “Pits” for launching and retrieval of the structural liner at either end of the buried pipe being lined, hence, traffic in the neighborhood will be minimally impacted compared to typical open-trench pipe renewal.

Forthcoming will be notification via hand delivery to all residents on impacted streets.  The connection of temporary service to each house will require coordination with all homeowners for access; contractor and Water District personnel will coordinate to achieve this.  We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we make these necessary improvements to our distribution system to maintain a high level of water service to our customers.

Please contact us via email at

, by phone at 978-263-9107 or in person at 693 Massachusetts Ave during normal operating hours Mon-Fri 7:30 am – 4:00 pm should you have any questions, or need any additional information.

Thank you from the Board of Water Commissioners and District staff.

Chris Allen

District Manager

July 29th, 2016

The Indian Village and Littlefield Road Water Main Improvement has been put on hold due to superseding priorities.  This project may be revisited in the spring of 2017.

July 13th,2016

Indian Village Water Main Project

Click here to see the Invitation to Bid

June 1, 2016

Indian Village Water Main Project

Invitation to Bid was put on hold until July 13th.  

April 25th, 2016

Bids will be opened in May 2016 for the relining project.